Friday, March 1, 2013

February 13 in 13 round up

Happy March!  I can't decide if March is coming in like a "lion" or a "lamb".  It's cold & cloudy, but nothing horrible.  Not really my idea of lamb-like, tho.

So moving on to updating!  Here is my progress report from WW eTools - both weekly and a monthly overviews.  I did have a small gain - but it is PMS week.  Mother Nature is such a bitch.  But I am pretty happy with the 15 activity points.  For the last 2 weeks, it's been crazy with me going so far over my allotted points!  I've tracked it all (example - look at Friday below!)  I don't know why I'm having such a a hard time with this.

 and my big ol' blank healthy check tracking area....sigh.  Maybe I should do those.

1.  rededicate myself to WW - this has been really bad. I only went to weigh in 3 times and didn't attend any meetings at all. I really need to make time for myself to go. I wish they had earlier meeting times!
2.  post eTools progress report weekly - check!
3.  dust off my WAH DVDs - check!
4.  use my new waist & arm / thigh trimmers while doing DVDs or Wii Fit - check!
5.  plan meals weekly - check!
6.  eat more / new veggies every week - check! (for the most part)
7.  be a better blogger - eh. Somewhat.
8.  get my house de-cluttered - eh, somewhat.
9.  cut back on unnecessary spending (see #8) - somewhat.
10. find plans & designs for tomato cage trees / MGC fence / potion book - somewhat. I've been pinning ideas.
11. work on RACES certification - epic fail. I did find the book, but haven't looked at it since.
13.  wean myself off pop - a work in progress.  
Rebecca’s February Challenge - Keep it Simple. I confess I totally missed this whole step. But it was probably OK, since I prefer simple over complicated any day.

Alrighty then. Onward & upward to March!

1.  rededicate myself to WW - staying on the list. I really have to make an effort to attend meetings.
2.  post eTools progress report weekly - staying on the list. Knowing that other people will be seeing this really makes me feel more accountable.
3.  earn at least 15 WW activity points weekly - this hopefully will get my butt moving.
4.  use my waist & arm / thigh trimmers while exercising - staying on the list.
5.  plan meals weekly - staying on the list
6.  eat more / new veggies every week - I enjoy this one, so staying on the list.
7.  be a better blogger - the A-Z challenge is next month, so I need to get busy writing posts. Staying on the list for now.
8.  spend at least 15 minutes per day straightening up my house - ugh. Staying on the list.
9.  make time for ME!!! If I don't plan time for myself to exercise or go to meetings or blog, it doesn't happen.
10. find plans & designs for holiday displays (tomato cage trees / MGC fence / potion book) - I have quite a few ideas pinned and such.
11. work on RACES certification - ugh. staying on the list.
13.  wean myself off pop - this will be an ongoing work in progress.
Rebecca’s March Challenge - Try Something New! Oh man. I have no idea right now, but I'll keep my eyes open! There is a family Girls' Weekend coming up over St. Pat's Day so anything can happen.

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